26 June 2011

A Little Sharing

Sharing what I make for my classroom makes me a little bit nervous {especially since I am a 1st year teacher and have LOTS to learn}.  Nonetheless, I am going to start sharing some things that I have been creating.  This one was super easy and fast to make.

One of the skills covered in our first unit in 3rd grade is Character, Setting, and Plot.  I made this for that first week of school.  The 1st three pages will be displayed through the week {after I laminate them of courseI laminate EVERYTHING}.  In my new classroom, I have tons of bulletin board space to use.  The third page will be for the students to fill out with a buddy as they “buddy read”.  Buddy reading takes place the day after we have read the story once as a whole class already.  Hope that someone can use it {or at least get a little inspiration from it}!

Click on the HERE to download the document in Google Docs.  This is my first time creating a link like this, so I hope I got it right!

{Thanks to Scrappin' Doodles for the great images!}

12 June 2011

A Little Bit Shy, A Lot Excited

You will notice in my blog description that I am blog addict.  I read blogs. A lot. I love them.  I am an expert blog reader.  Teacher blogs, craft blogs, home improvement blogs.  You name it, I’ve read it.

But mea blogger?  My response has always been, “No way!”  Still, I have tossed around the idea of starting my own blog for a little while, but have always been a little overwhelmed at the thought of it {a little shy really}.  Now that it is summer, I think I am up for the challenge.  I hope.

I am super new to this.  That means it will not be perfect.  So please be patient with this baby blogger.  I am convinced that no matter how much of a perfectionist I am, this new little venture of mine will not be perfect. 

So welcome to my blog.  Pull up a comfy seat, grab your Diet Coke {or you caffeinated beverage of choice}, and get comfortable!
