04 August 2011

Camp Bahamas

The past 2 weeks, I had the privilege of serving at Camp Bahamas {with no internet...I was dying to blog from there}.  Our sweet friends, the Alburys, run a Christian sports camp on the island of Eleuthera for the youth of the Bahamas.  I know, I knowit does not sound like much of a mission trip.  Sometimes it is hard to convince people that we are actually going to the Bahamas to work.  It is a great opportunity to serve not only the youth, but also our friends who are faithfully serving in the Bahamas.

{Side note: I am definitely still processing this trip and all that happened.  It is hard for me to articulate everything that I learned/am learning.  I have been working on how to say everything that is on my heart/my mindI hope that my words are coherent!}

This summer, my parents led a team of 15 from our church for a week long trip.  Toward the end of the week, someone jokingly asked my sister {Elizabeth} and me why we just did not stay another week.  Within a day, Elizabeth, our brother, and I had changed our tickets to stay an extra week.  Best decision.  I am so thankful for our extra time there serving.  The Lord worked {and is still working} in my heart.  Without that extra week, I do not know if I would have left with the same experience or growth. 

It amazes me the way that the Lord teaches us and grows us.  Growth in Him never occurs how I expect it.  Times where I have grown the most in Him have been in the midst of hard situations. This trip, I was not experiencing anything that was particularly hard, just frustrating. Through the frustration, the Lord began to work in my heart.  He showed me parts of me that were not of Himparts that I was holding onto.  Parts that I have to surrender to Him.  As I come home and continue to seek after Him, I know that He will continue to work in my heart.  I never leave a mission trip unchanged. 

One of the things that really impacted a lot of our team members was seeing how quickly the campers were faced with the world after leaving camp.  Specifically the temptations and sin of the world.  When the campers leave, they take a boat back to Nassau.  What a lot of our team members saw at the dock waiting for the boat was the way that temptations were shoved right in the campers faces.  It was something that we all acknowledged weighed heavy on our hearts. 

When we came back to America on Tuesday, I experienced something similar to what the campers experienced when they got home.  It was not so much that I was faced with temptations, but I saw things that have crept into our American culture and have become acceptable.  Things that are not acceptable.  Things that our culture tries to make us think are normal.  Things that the enemy tries to desensitize us to.  It woke me up a little more to the reality of the world that we live in now.  What have we compromised because our culture has told us it is okay?

As I have thought about this, I think about how we live here on earth, but we are not to be of the earth. We as believers have to be separate from things of this earth.

Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

It is a challenge we face daily as believers.  Living here, but not claiming our citizenship here.

Every time I get the privilege to serve, I am so thankful that God allows us to partner in His work.  I feel so blessed to be a part of His ministry.  We are so unworthy, yet He works through us.

...for it is God who works in you,
both to will and work for His good pleasure
Philippians 2:13

Camp Bahamas hosts short term mission trips year round.  In the summer, camp counselors and mission teams help run the camp.  Throughout the year, they have teams come in and work on the construction of the camp.  One of the great things about working with the Alburys is that they have a place for every groupVBS opportunities, construction, camp counselors, support staff {think Young Life work crew}…lots of great ways to get involved and serve!

The Alburys have a great story.  Take a look at their website and learn more about their heart for the people of the Bahamas and their desire to serve the Lord there. 

15 July 2011

The Pinterest Craze

So is anyone else as obsessed with Pinterest as I am? Every time I log-in, I cannot stop clicking.  I always find something I likebut mostly I find A LOT that I like.  It is so addicting.  I have just started making my own pinboards..  I like having all the “stuff” that I like in one place, all nice and organized. 

A friend of mine {thanks Mary!} told me about Pinterest a while ago, but I kind of forgot about it.  Now, I cannot dream of such a thing!  I am just loving it.  I have found a lot of inspiration for my own classroom, but there is so much more to ithome decorating, photography, fashion, travel, and anything else fun.

There are a lot of great pinboards that have really neat classroom stuff

Check out what Lisa Bobisa has pinned...

Or even Noel's..

These are just 2 of over 2600 boards that have  classroom ideas!

If you want to join me on my pinning ventures, just search for me on Pinteresthannahls87.

If for some reason you are not in on the Pinterest craze, get ready to join us!

A Noteworthy Blog

I would love to introduce you to one of the sweetest, most heartfelt blogs around.  It is a blog about a young woman pursuing the heart of the Lord, serving His children {specifically the lost and the neglected},& allowing her heart to be molded and changed by what she sees. 

My roommate Amanda has been serving in South East Asia for several years {during the summer}.  This summer she had the opportunity to venture to Cambodia. The things that she experienced there have changed her {and those who read her blog}.  While reading her blog, I found myself crying; my own heart breaking for the people in Cambodia.  Amanda is very honest and raw in what she shares on her blog.  It is something I really appreciate and value.

Click the picture to check out Amanda’s blog & tune-in to what the Lord is up to in SE Asia

"Will you be the one to take His light into a darkened world? Tell me, will you be the one?
Will you be the one? . . . I will be the one."

Love this blog!

I love finding inspirational 3rd grade blogs!  One blog that I regularly stalk is One Extra Degree.  The blog {and all the creative gems} are by Amanda Nickerson.  I LOVE seeing everything Amanda creates!  If you all have not stopped by her blog yet, then you are missing out! 

I have been working on my own classroom jobs and got some inspiration from Amanda’s classroom jobs freebieit is GREAT!  Take a look:

How We Get Home

I made these little signs to help me remember how all my students get home every day.  I need all the help I can get with all these little details! J Of course I will laminate them before I display them. Does anybody else have a better way to display the ways their students get home?

Click the picture to download the 4 pages for free.  I hope that it helps someone!

Thoughts on Romania

Last week, I was in Romania serving alongside missionaries working in the field there.  As I come home from a trip {especially a mission trip}, my least favorite question EVER is “How was your trip?”  It is impossible to describe a trip in a quick conversation.  How do I paint a picture of the facesfaces with eyes that show brokenness and desperation and hunger?  How do I describe the pain of my heart breaking for children who are starving?  For the mothers who want you to take their babies and rescue them from a life of darkness and hopelessness?  I do not really know how to describe what I have experienced in Romania.  I have seen a lotcity life in Oradea; village life; country life; life as a gypsy, a widow, an orphan.  All have touched my heart.

     Going to Romania, I really did not know what to expect.  Sure, I have been to Europe many times, but never to Romania.  My trip was surprising and touchingthose might be the 2 best words to describe how I feel as I process through all I have seen and heard.

     When I think of Europe, I think of the architecture and the historynot the darkness and the poverty, but I experienced both of those things in a very REAL way.  I do not know what the Lord’s plan is for Oradea and its surrounding villages, but I know that I serve a God who is so much bigger than {what seems to be} an impossible, hopeless situation.  He is bigger that the prejudices the gypsy people face daily.  He is bigger than the abusive parents.  He is bigger than a non-functioning, backwards government.  He is bigger than pimps who take innocent girls into prostitution.  He is bigger than poverty and hunger.  I know He is.  I know He is sovereign.  I do not get it; I cannot comprehend it, but I know He has a plan.  A plan to bring Him glory.

     My mind is filled with thoughts and prayers from my trip to Romania.  I have a lot to process.  I have a lot to consider.

To learn more about ministry in Romania, visit Belief in Motion’s website:

26 June 2011

A Little Sharing

Sharing what I make for my classroom makes me a little bit nervous {especially since I am a 1st year teacher and have LOTS to learn}.  Nonetheless, I am going to start sharing some things that I have been creating.  This one was super easy and fast to make.

One of the skills covered in our first unit in 3rd grade is Character, Setting, and Plot.  I made this for that first week of school.  The 1st three pages will be displayed through the week {after I laminate them of courseI laminate EVERYTHING}.  In my new classroom, I have tons of bulletin board space to use.  The third page will be for the students to fill out with a buddy as they “buddy read”.  Buddy reading takes place the day after we have read the story once as a whole class already.  Hope that someone can use it {or at least get a little inspiration from it}!

Click on the HERE to download the document in Google Docs.  This is my first time creating a link like this, so I hope I got it right!

{Thanks to Scrappin' Doodles for the great images!}

12 June 2011

A Little Bit Shy, A Lot Excited

You will notice in my blog description that I am blog addict.  I read blogs. A lot. I love them.  I am an expert blog reader.  Teacher blogs, craft blogs, home improvement blogs.  You name it, I’ve read it.

But mea blogger?  My response has always been, “No way!”  Still, I have tossed around the idea of starting my own blog for a little while, but have always been a little overwhelmed at the thought of it {a little shy really}.  Now that it is summer, I think I am up for the challenge.  I hope.

I am super new to this.  That means it will not be perfect.  So please be patient with this baby blogger.  I am convinced that no matter how much of a perfectionist I am, this new little venture of mine will not be perfect. 

So welcome to my blog.  Pull up a comfy seat, grab your Diet Coke {or you caffeinated beverage of choice}, and get comfortable!
